
Hello, and welcome to the official blog for Sally Slayer! Here you will find all sort of ramblings book related and caffeine induced. Hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for release dates for upcoming books!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Writing progress

Has it been a year since my last post? Seriously?

In my defense, I HAVE been writing...I mean yeah, I don't have any new stuff out at this exact second, but that one WIP is at least halfway finished! I was just having a little bit of trouble with a couple of scenes not meshing the way I wanted. It's frustrating!

Anyway that's my excuse. I am working on getting something out, but I won't be satisfied with this one unless it's perfect, or at least a near to perfect as I can possibly get it.

I also have some plans for my previous books. I haven't gotten a chance to work on them lately, but I plan on giving them a complete makeover just as soon as I finish the current WIP! It's kinda exciting in a nerdy way. :D So I've made my excuses and now will get back to writing. <3

Lots of love my Slayers!

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