
Hello, and welcome to the official blog for Sally Slayer! Here you will find all sort of ramblings book related and caffeine induced. Hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for release dates for upcoming books!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November is Nanowrimo!!

It's that time of year again!  November is for NaNoWriMo!

I'm participating this year, and am hoping to reach my goal of, well at least 50,000, but I'm hoping for a completed novel. This one has been stewing in my imagination for quite some time. :D

 If any of you are participating this year, feel free to add me! My Nano username is Sally Slayer (may have to look it up as sally-slayer)! I'm usually up for some word wars!

I am going to *try* to put a NaNo word count app on the site, but please forgive me if I can't make it work. (I'm only on my second cup of coffee today, after all haha!)

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